2018 Year Review

At the end of November we had plane tickets to fly to Cebu for the long weekend. But Blake started to seem sick and after taking him to the doctors we found out that he had the “mouth” part of Hand-Foot-Mouth virus. So, Matt & the oldest two went to Plantation Bay resort in Cebu, while Blake and Tia stayed in our empty condo resting.
We arrived at the Cebu port and got into 2 taxis to make our way to the beautiful Shangri-La in Mactan. We were able to spend one day enjoying the resort and the next day touring Cebu and seeing Nate’s old mission area and members who he served as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints nearly 15 years ago.
One of the taxi drivers was from the island of Siquijor…the same island that my grandfather is from. And he is a cousin of our cousin…small world!
We attended the cultural night show and buffet dinner. Although the power went out of a few minutes, it was still enjoyable.
We rented a jeepney for the day to tour Cebu. The kids liked climbing on the back when we were stopped.
Normally we looked like this inside the jeepney. 2 of Nate’s friends from his mission served as our tour guide for the day.
Matt has a bad back and bad knees. So he opted to stretch out by standing on the back of the jeepney for most of the evening.
We went to TOPS in Cebu. It is on top of a mountain and much cooler. The kids had fun running around and playing tag until it started to rain.
We had a tour of the ProFoods factory where they package all of the dried mangos and coconuts. These are some of the items that they produce.
We saw the LDS Cebu Temple and it is BEAUTIFUL!
Welcome Elder Farley Family and Friends! It was a big social gathering in honor of Nate returning to his mission.
As guest of Honor, we sat at our own table and had utensils, glass plates and our own separate food from everyone else.
The majority of the group that attended the dinner. We picked up about 20 of them in our rented jeepney so they didn’t have to pay to come.
And then it was time to leave Cebu and the next day the Farley family left Manila to return to the states.
Since we took 5 kids on 4 different airplanes we had to be creative on how to entertain them. One time we did brake down and just handed everyone an electronic devise while we waited for our plane to arrive.
More photos on Cebu here.