
Posts Tagged ‘aloha’

Better late than never: Aloha XII – Asian Invasion Part II (2014)

April 11th, 2020 No comments

After six years of trying to find time to work on Aloha videos, the COVID19 lockdown of 2020 has given me a jumpstart to get caught up! Over the past 3 weeks I finally completed Aloha XII (it was ~30-40% done). Hopefully I can complete Aloha XIII (2015) in the coming weeks…

Watch here:

Categories: Family Tags: , ,

Aloha IX: Wave Your Flag (Home Video Compilation)

December 28th, 2011 No comments

Aloha XI: Wave Your Flag
Created: 12/25/2011
Length: 01:05:01

Ma$on Man, Kalani, California, Hawaii, Ashlee & Jon, El Salvador, Philippines, Barcelona, Switzerland, Italy, Monaco, France, Drop It Low Girl

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Categories: Family, Friends, Travel Tags: ,

Aloha VIII: Butterflies of the Caribbean

December 28th, 2010 No comments

Aloha VIII: Butterflies of the Caribbean
Created: 12/23/2010
Length: 00:51:47

Mason, Kalani, Missionaries, Lei and Alan, Cruise, Post-Credit (Phone Calls, Rainbows, Secrets)

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Categories: Family Tags: ,