Swimming and pizza before the BAN Band Christmas Party
taken: 01/01/2025
album: Farley - Matt & Tia - Philippines
tags: rj nina sayza xander jhon cecille bruce matt brad patrick jacob shanice mhel
album: Farley - Matt & Tia - Philippines
tags: rj nina sayza xander jhon cecille bruce matt brad patrick jacob shanice mhel
Swimming and pizza before the BAN Band Christmas Party
taken: 01/01/2025
album: Farley - Matt & Tia - Philippines
tags: nina sayza xander jhon cecille bruce matt brad patrick jacob shanice mhel
album: Farley - Matt & Tia - Philippines
tags: nina sayza xander jhon cecille bruce matt brad patrick jacob shanice mhel
Brad and Nina host a fun-filled Christmas karaoke night with family and friends.
taken: 01/01/2025
album: Farley - Matt & Tia - Philippines
tags: blake nina mason sayza xander cass jing wax kinkin reid kyrie rj jacob monique shanice mhel patrick bruce jhon heart
album: Farley - Matt & Tia - Philippines
tags: blake nina mason sayza xander cass jing wax kinkin reid kyrie rj jacob monique shanice mhel patrick bruce jhon heart
Nina opening the BAN Band Christmas Party
taken: 01/01/2025
album: Farley - Matt & Tia - Philippines
tags: blake nina mason sayza xander cass jing kinkin reid kyrie rj jacob monique shanice mhel patrick bruce jhon heart
album: Farley - Matt & Tia - Philippines
tags: blake nina mason sayza xander cass jing kinkin reid kyrie rj jacob monique shanice mhel patrick bruce jhon heart
Getting ready to do the kid's gift exchange at the BAN Band Christmas Party
taken: 01/01/2025
album: Farley - Matt & Tia - Philippines
tags: xander kyrie sayza bruce brad tia blake wilson reid mason mhel cass jhon jacob wax patrick rocky nina kinkin jing heart cecille shanice monique
album: Farley - Matt & Tia - Philippines
tags: xander kyrie sayza bruce brad tia blake wilson reid mason mhel cass jhon jacob wax patrick rocky nina kinkin jing heart cecille shanice monique
Kids games at the BAN Band Christmas Party
taken: 01/01/2025
album: Farley - Matt & Tia - Philippines
tags: jing blake reid kyrie shanice jacob nina kinkin patrick brad
album: Farley - Matt & Tia - Philippines
tags: jing blake reid kyrie shanice jacob nina kinkin patrick brad
Brad and Nina Band plus Friends Christmas Party
taken: 01/01/2025
album: Farley - Matt & Tia - Philippines
tags: xander kyrie sayza bruce brad tia blake wilson reid matt rj chevy cass jhon jacob wax patrick rocky nina kinkin jing heart cecille shanice monique
album: Farley - Matt & Tia - Philippines
tags: xander kyrie sayza bruce brad tia blake wilson reid matt rj chevy cass jhon jacob wax patrick rocky nina kinkin jing heart cecille shanice monique
Brad and Nina Band plus Friends Christmas Party
taken: 01/01/2025
album: Farley - Matt & Tia - Philippines
tags: xander kyrie sayza bruce brad tia blake wilson reid matt rj chevy cass jhon jacob wax patrick rocky nina kinkin jing heart cecille shanice monique
album: Farley - Matt & Tia - Philippines
tags: xander kyrie sayza bruce brad tia blake wilson reid matt rj chevy cass jhon jacob wax patrick rocky nina kinkin jing heart cecille shanice monique
Vocalist Guessing Game at the BAN Band Christmas Party!
taken: 01/01/2025
album: Farley - Matt & Tia - Philippines
tags: xander kyrie sayza bruce brad tia blake wilson reid matt rj chevy cass jhon jacob wax patrick rocky nina kinkin jing heart cecille shanice monique
album: Farley - Matt & Tia - Philippines
tags: xander kyrie sayza bruce brad tia blake wilson reid matt rj chevy cass jhon jacob wax patrick rocky nina kinkin jing heart cecille shanice monique
We were able to meet up with Janice and her family in Siquijor. Janice watch Blake for us at CocoGrove when he was a baby
taken: 12/25/2022
album: Vacations - Siquijor
tags: siquijor janice blaise matt mason kalani tia blake
album: Vacations - Siquijor
tags: siquijor janice blaise matt mason kalani tia blake
Meeting Blaise for the first time
taken: 12/26/2019
album: Vacations - Siquijor
tags: siquijor cocogrove tia kalani mason janice blaise
album: Vacations - Siquijor
tags: siquijor cocogrove tia kalani mason janice blaise
Janice has been our yaya at CocoGrove since 2014. Now we finally met her little girl
taken: 12/22/2019
album: Vacations - Siquijor
tags: siquijor cocogrove kalani mason blake janice blaise
album: Vacations - Siquijor
tags: siquijor cocogrove kalani mason blake janice blaise
If the boys want a bath, they use the hot tub outside
Waiting to eat, Blake plays on his mom's phone
A different view of the Coco Grove Penthouse
taken: 12/27/2017
album: Vacations - Siquijor
tags: siquijor cocogrove tia kalani janice mason blake penthouse
album: Vacations - Siquijor
tags: siquijor cocogrove tia kalani janice mason blake penthouse
View from the second floor of the penthouse
Boys with our "nanny" Janice
Blake really didn't want to sit with anyone in the car
We all made it safely to Dumaguete on the small 4 seat plane by Royhle Flight Training Academy
Lugnason water falls
taken: 12/26/2017
album: Vacations - Siquijor
tags: siquijor matt tia kalani mason blake janice lugnason
album: Vacations - Siquijor
tags: siquijor matt tia kalani mason blake janice lugnason