
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Dirty Job

June 26th, 2009 No comments

Mike Rowe should try being a mother if he wants a “Dirty Job!”  Today I was bathing Mason in his tub at the kitchen sink while watching Dirty Jobs on the TV.  Mason must have felt very relaxed and wanted me to have my own dirty job experience.  He let loose and all of a sudden he was in a tub with yellow floating pooh.  I got him out as quickly as I could, and then reached for the camera that was near.

After rinsing out the tub and cleaning Mason off (and allowing him time to take care of all of his bathroom business) he was clean and smelling fresh!  And one reward Mike Rowe won’t get for his dirty job is cuddling with a sweet baby anytime of the day.

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Hot Hot Hot

June 23rd, 2009 No comments

  It has been SUPER hot in Texas lately.  We are talking about temperatures over 95′ for nearly 20 days in a row…plus humidity on top of that.  So really we it feels like it is over 100′.  Normally I just stay in doors with Mason and Kalani, but I did venture out for a play date at a splash pad where some church friends were meeting up.  Kalani had a wonderful time playing with friends and getting wet.  I really like splash pads since Kalani can entertain herself and I don’t have to worry about her drowning.  While Kalani played, Mason and I stayed in the shade and chatted with friends.

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June 2nd, 2009 No comments

  My alter ego… 

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Mason Makaio Farley

May 26th, 2009 No comments

Tia’s due date was Friday, May 22nd and the baby was measuring over 9 lbs in the womb.  Today, Tuesday, May 26th the doctor induced labor at 9am and Mason was born at 1:42pm.

He is 9 lbs 3 oz, 22″ inches long and is the spitting image of his older sister Kalani — black hair, olive skin.

Kalani is especially excited and won’t stop repeating how cute her new brother is.  I can’t argue.

Both Tia and Mason are happy and healthy and should be returning home in 2 days.

We have started posting his photos in the album titled Mason 2009.

(Makaio is Hawaiian for Matthew)

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Eli’s Euphonium

May 23rd, 2009 No comments

Our 12 year old cousin, Eli, has started to play the Euphonium this year and had his spring concert this past week.  The band played 3 songs:  Pride of America, Cops & Robbers and Eye of the Tiger.  The whole concert lasted less than 15 minutes…it took us longer to drive to the location than to actually listen to the concert.  Good Job Eli!

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