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After 2 days at sea we were ready for our first port-of-call….JAMAICA.  The Larsens joined us on our excursion and we all had a great time on our Tranopy Adventure.  I highly recommend the Tranopy Adventure…Canopy Chair lift, Jamaican bobsled, and ziplines…SO MUCH FUN!  Plus, dancing with the locals.  The excursion started off with a 90 minute ride and our own “tour guide.”  She pointed out the various spots of interest…like were Usain Bolt went to school.   This was the first time that my sister ever experienced association with people from an underdeveloped country.  She tried to bargain shop but left with just some maracas and a bad taste in her mouth about shopping in Jamaica!

Chair Lift on our Tranopy Adventure

Larsens on the Jamaican Bob Sled

Farleys and some Crazy Jamaica Tree

See video footage and more photos in our 2010 Caribbean Cruise

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