First Blog

So I am now entering into the “Blogging World.” I have enjoyed reading my friends and family member’s blogs, so I thought that I would give it a try. Also, I want to be able to tell everyone of our adventures while we are in Scotland and didn’t want you to have to remember another website address. And also to be able to share with family the funny things that Kalani says and does on a daily basis.
Matt has been in Scotland for a week now and will be there for two more weeks before he returns back to the states and then we should all be going to Scotland together. He went house hunting last Friday and posted some pictures of the houses he looked at. Here is a link to some possible houses that we could be calling home for 6-8 months while in Scotland. We are very excited for this opportunity. I am probably the most excited since I am really going on an extended vacation.
Kalani and I have been surviving without Matt around. She keeps me entertained to say the least. Here are some funny things that our little wannabe teenager has said lately!
“Mom are you trying to ruin my life?”
While watching Peter Pan, Kalani wanted to know why the crocodile was chasing Captain Hook. I told her that Peter Pan cut off his hand and the crocodile ate it and it tasted so good that he wanted to eat more of Captain Hook. Kalani replied with,
“So before was he called Captain Hand?”
That’s our girl. Thinking outside of the box.