Vientiane & Vang Vieng, Laos Vacation
After we got back from Vietnam, I was looking at Google maps and noticed that Laos was right next to Vietnam, Thailand and Cambodia. When I first made the suggestion that we should go visit Laos, it was met with some resistance. But, then it became a reality. We flew into Vientiane and as soon as we got off the plane our tour guide Chansay was there and we were off enjoying the country. Matt found Chansay on Viator, and then on Facebook as well. He was friendly and knowledgeable. His English isn’t perfect, but we were able to communicate and have a wonderful 2.5 days in Laos.
Day 1

Directly from the airport we went to a night market in Vientiane that was next to the Mekong Delta…then we went to Dhavara hotel for a night’s stay

Ho Pra Keo in Vientiane was originally constructed in 1565 as the Lao royal family’s personal chapel, and as a home for the Emerald Buddha after it was snatched from northern Siam (Thailand). This sacred jade statue was reclaimed by the Siamese in 1778 and now sits in Wat Phra Kaew in Bangkok which we saw in 2013.

Wat Si Saket located in Vientiane is famous for its cloister wall housing thousands of tiny Buddha images and rows with hundreds of seated Buddhas. These images mainly date from the 16th and 19th centuries and come in all sizes and are made from wood, stone and bronze – more than 6,800 Buddhas in total.

Laying Buddha at Pha That Luang reminded us of Thailand since they have one of these too.

The Patuxai is dedicated to those who fought in the struggle for independence from France…and is very similar to the Arch de Triomphe in France, although this one in Laos has shops inside.
Day 2

We drove 3 hours from Vientiane to Vang Vieng and stayed at the Riverside Boutique Resort

They day started out cloudy and rainy, but we still had a great time and enjoyed the beautiful scenery

First stop was to Tham Chang Cave and we had to climb a bunch of stairs to get there.

Mason praying inside the “Elephant Cave”

Outside of the Tham Nam Water cave the kids had a great time playing with the inner tubes…inside the cave was pitch black expect for the headlights that we wore

We had a “Sunset Boat Ride” although we really couldn’t see the sunset. Still we all had a good time and saw a lot of foreigners looking like they were enjoying spring break as well.

And thanks to our wonderful tour guide Chansay…and if he is booked, his fiance is also a tour guide!
More photos of our Laos vacation here.