Farley Family Visits The Philippines – Manila Edition
In January we celebrated our 10 year anniversary. It just so happens that Matt’s cousin also got married on the same day, so they also celebrated their 10 year anniversary. We had planned a couple of years ago to do something together to celebrate. We originally planned to go to Europe and visit Germany (where Laura served her mission). But instead we got this job opportunity to be in the Philippines, so we invited them to come stay with us (where Nate served his mission). We don’t get to see Nate’s family often, but we love hanging out with them and our kids get along really well.

The 11 days that they were with us were jammed pack spending time in Manila, Bohol, Coron, Cebu…that is 4 flights and one ferry ride for the 9 of us!
This is our first time to be in the Philippines during Holy Week, and we were not quite sure what to expect. Apparently everything is closed, so there really isn’t traffic in Manila. However that means that restaurants and malls are closed as well. But, we managed by eating at some hotel buffets like Circles at the Shangri-la and Taal Vista Hotel. We drove around Old Manila which is normally super crowded, but was actually a pleasant drive since there was no traffic. We also made use of the swimming pool at our condo. Nate and Laura were coming from a state where it was still snowing, so they all were enjoying the sun and being able to swim. We also had them experience a massage where the massage therapist comes to your home…yes we are spoiled and so are our guests!

First meal in Manila was a Circle’s Buffet at the Shangri-La…this photo doesn’t even show the whole buffet area!

It took us 3 canoes, but we all made it to Pagsanjan Falls. And all of us went under the main falls by being pulled by a bamboo raft

We took them to a dampa seafood place. You buy the food that want cooked and take it to a nearby restaurant for them to cook it how you want

We tried watching the fireworks at The Mall of Asia, but they didn’t have any because of the holiday weekend

Shopping at Greenhill is always fun. Buying purses, shoes, sunglasses, clothes, etc for a fraction of the price

We took advantage of having a nanny and went out for dinner with just the 4 of us. Happy 10 year anniversary to us!