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No Training Wheels

No Training Wheels

A couple of months back we tried taking off Kalani’s training wheels, but she couldn’t balance that well without them.  So after months of practicing we decided to try again.  Seriously I just took off the training wheels and held on to the back of her seat for 5 seconds and she was then riding by herself.  She was so proud of herself that she showed all of the neighbors that day and always wants to be outside “practicing”.

Mason is also proud of his big sister

Categories: Family Tags:
  1. April
    July 6th, 2010 at 01:04 | #1

    that is AWESOME! She is all grown up now!

  2. Adam
    July 18th, 2010 at 19:40 | #2

    Wow that’s cool how fast she is growing up. I’ll be scared the day Bianca wants to ride a bike, I’ll have her in like full protective combat armor so she cant get hurt.

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