Family Fun Snow Day
The weather in Aberdeen, Scotland really isn’t that bad…especially compared to what the Eastern United States is having to deal with. In town where we live the roads are fairly easy to drive on since so many cars use them and the snow doesn’t pile up like it does in the countryside. We are experiencing our 2nd snow storm of the year. It snowed very lightly on Monday and then snowed more heavily on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday (today). Kalani and I were very happy that it was Matt’s Friday off of work so he could play in the snow with us.
We haven’t bought snow gear since it doesn’t snow that often and we will be leaving Aberdeen in a few months.
Our neighbor saw us playing in the snow and offered to let us use their sled.
Kalani loved having her dad to play with her in the snow. After this picture we went inside and had some hot chocolate and a warm bath. It was a Fantastic Farley Family Fun Day!
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