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The Tower Bridge

At times I don’t think anything new has happened since I last posted, and then as I reflect back on this past month, MANY things have happened. I will try to remember all of them and not make this TOO boring!

First off, we are closing on our home on Monday, June 11th. We are very excited to be moving into our own home. After living in other people’s homes for half a year, it will be nice to spread out. We had our first walk through with our builder this past weekend. He told us that he boss said that she wishes they would have used our home for the model. So, that is a nice pat on the back for us. So far with purchasing our first home and it being a new home everything has been a smooth process. If all goes well, we will have our final walk through, sign papers and move in all on Monday. Once we get the keys we will move our things in. It should only take an hour or so since everything but our bed, computer, clothes and TVs are in the garage in boxes.

Other news…Matt went to London, England in May for training. He flew out Monday evening, had training on Wednesday and Thursday and then was a tourist for Friday and Saturday and came home Sunday evening. He was able to see a mission buddy who lives in England and actually stayed in his flat to save money when he was being a tourist. When he told me that he would be going to England for training, I told him that he needs to bring me back some chocolate! And that he did, I don’t even have to share this chocolate with him! We thought that he would be able to visit my cousin Jana since she is there in England, but she had to unexpectedly go into work for that weekend. He had a great time and took some pictures if anyone cares to view them, they have been placed in our photo albums.

In church, things have changed a bit for us. I was the Enrichment Leader for a couple of months, but I never had to be in charge of an enrichment night since our next activity is scheduled for July. Well, I have now been released from that calling and will now be serving as the 1st counselor in our ward Primary presidency with my aunt Anna as the president. Matt is still helping out in the nursery with Kalani, but will also be teaching Sunday School for an hour as well. Any good ideas for primary, send them this way. Being in the ward Primary presidency is a lot more work than Stake Primary presidency. I guess I will get to know the primary children very quickly!

And now onto our Kalani news. Right now she is playing with a castle and swords and dinosaurs. With 4 boys living here of course she would start to play with some boy toys. But, she is also incorporating her My Little Pony and Crepe Suzette doll into her playing. Yesterday she was telling us that she was the Pink and Purple Queen. If you ask her what her favorite colors are the response will always include Pink and Purple, so of course I will be painting her room pink and purple. She has a very active imagination and I love to just listen to her stories and her playing. She is still changing her clothes a couple of times a day, but what do you expect when you play pretend? One of her favorite pass times is to play “family” where she is normally the “teenage sister,” or the queen or princess. She is also a very fast learner if I can just brag for a moment: She would watch the TV show, “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse” so I decided to teach her to spell her name by changing the letters of Mickey Mouse to Kalani Farley. Like they say, if you put it to music you will remember it faster. So, if you ask Kalani how to spell her name, she can tell you. Also, she knows how to type her name on the computer.

Well, thanks for letting me brag and fill you all in on our life here in Texas. We will hopefully see most of ya sometime this year. If you are ever in the Houston area, look us up. We are only about 25 minutes from the airport and we have an extra bedroom in our new house!

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